When we are creating reports we would like to make them not only business valuable but also user-friendly. Reports don’t need to …

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I am enthusiastic about the potential that data holds and the immense value it can bring to businesses. My journey with Business Intelligence development started in 2017 and it’s been an interesting ride ever since. Imagine taking raw, unprocessed data and magically transforming it into  visually stunning insights that power crucial business decisions – that’s the magic of what I do. 🪄

While I mainly work with Microsoft tools, my curiosity knows no bounds. I’m always eager to explore and learn from other tools and technologies in the ever-evolving world of data. 🗂️🌍

In this blog, I’m thrilled to take you on a journey through three exciting areas:
🌟Data Design (my favourit) – We’ll dive deep into the art and science of crafting data into compelling stories that drive success.
🌟Power BI knowledge – Uncovering the power of the most powerful Business Intelligence tools out there.
🌟Business Intelligence knowledge – Exploring the broader BI landscape for smarter decisions.